Donations and Financial Information

Brief History
Hope International Bible & Mission Church is an English-speaking Bible and mission church. Our international congregation comes from many different Christian denominations (or church background).
The church is affiliated with the family churches of the International Baptist Convention (IBC). Our missionary work is focused in Rwanda and Ghana
Giving (Tithes & Offerings)
We believe that the giving of tithes and offerings as taught in the Bible is a source of blessing to the giver as well as the means by which the Church meets the needs of the body and continues to exist. Cash offerings are collected on a weekly basis during Sunday services.
Church members may carry out fundraisers to raise money for a specific purpose. Contributions can also be made directly to our bank account:
Hope International Baptist Church of Rotterdam
IBAN: NL32 INGB 0002943491
The purpose of the contribution should be clearly marked by the giver, e.g. “Rwanda Mission”, “Ghana Mission”, “Tithes“, etc
Income Tax Deduction for Donations to the Church
Hope International Baptist Church of Rotterdam is recognised as an ANBI (“Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling”, or organisation for public benefit).
Consequently donations to Hope International Baptist Church of Rotterdam are deductable from Dutch Tax Income
- Registered Name:Hope International Baptist Church of Rotterdam
- RSIN (Tax Registration Number):814525866
- Chamber of Commerce Number:(KvK)40347832
- Statement of Account 2017
- Statement of Account 2018
Leadership and Function
- The Pastor: The church is lead by a pastor ordained and chosen by the church. His duties include preaching, teaching, counseling, carrying out church ordinances and mission work abroad.
- The Deacons: Are church members chosen by the church to assist in worship and help the pastor carry out the duties of the church.
- The Treasure Secretary: Church member who deals with the church finances.
- The Worship Leader: Church member who leads in singing during worship services.
- Children’s Ministry: Volunteer to help with the crèche during Sunday services
The church is a non-profit organization and as such does not employ any staff.
The church relies solely on church members who offer their services on a voluntary basis. This include the pastor, deacons, the treasure secretary, worship leaders and children’s ministry volunteers .